About the Course
The Partner Assault Response (PAR) Program provides psycho-education and domestic violence counselling. It is court-mandated for people who have been psychologically, verbally, or physically abusive toward their intimate partner. It allows offenders to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards domestic violence and learn non-abusive ways of resolving conflict. The program's goals are to teach the client how to manage their emotions, deal with conflict healthily, and communicate respectfully. It aims to keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable for their behaviour.
The curriculum includes:
Defining abuse
Identifying the effects of abuse on partners, children and self
Examining beliefs and attitudes
Modifying maladaptive behaviour
Understanding triggers and warning signs
Assessing substance use and its impact
Creating healthy boundaries
Practicing non-violent communicationÂ
Conflict managementÂ
Taking responsibility and accountability
Lessons are evidence-based, using the principles of cognitive-behavioural therapy for the long-term reduction of recidivism among persons who have committed acts of domestic violence.Â
The program meets the Ontario Legal System requirements, subject to the approval of the relevant legal authorities, such as the crown attorney or probation officer affiliated with the case. Our program suits those with a peace bond or a conditional discharge outcome. It is not a substitute for other programs such as anger management, mental health or substance abuse counselling.Â
Sessions are private, one-on-one meetings with a counsellor and can be conducted in person or via Zoom. They are fifty minutes long, and the frequency is negotiated with the client. Homework is assigned between sessions. The minimum requirement to complete the program is twelve sessions depending on the counsellor's assessment of the client's progress. A letter of completion will be issued upon completion of the program, confirming the client's participation and progress. No client confidentially will be breached in the letter.